This 4 bed house share is set back just off Lovely Lane, within walking distance of Warrington hospital and close to a major bus route.
This is a popular location, and we manage several other house shares in this postcode, and they tend to fill quickly! So don't delay.
All bills are included in the rent* and we have Free WIFI as well as a premium paid for service.
So what next?
If you can answer YES! to these 3 simple questions below, we can usually agree a tenancy:
1. Do you earn more than THREE times the advertised rent?
2. Is your bank account always in the black (not overdrawn)? Do you have a clear credit history with no CCJ's or IVA's registered against you?
3. Are you planning to stay for at least SIX months?
If you want to beat everyone to this property, get in touch TODAY!
*this agreement does not extend to the charging of electric vehicles. The charging of electric vehicles not being permitted at this property.
Your holding deposit is at risk if you initiate an application based on false or misleading information.
#Warrington #nhsstaff #renting #RoomToRent