92% of UK landlords reference their tenants. OpenRent has made it simple to get an in-depth overview of prospective tenants and their guarantors, with a comprehensive look at their financial status, credit score and risk assessment.
Standalone tenant referencing helps you make sure each applicant is suitable for your property. All you need to start is their name, email address and phone number.
One-off payment (per applicant)
£15 Inc. VAT
You will receive this typically within 24 hours, detailing our initial findings.
A comprehensive report will follow once all data is provided by referees and external parties. With our intelligent chasing, this on average takes less than 3 working days.
Everything from the initial report plus:
Industry Best In Class Referencing - Available Now
Order your referencing today!
Begin Referencing NowRent Now is our professional grade tenancy creation service - it encompasses referencing, contract signing, money handling and deposit registration and brings it all online into a streamlined and transparent process.
Find out moreOpenRent Landlord"Very pleased with this service"
Referencing very quick. Very good value for money and I'll use again.
We strongly advise you reference everyone over the age of 18 who is going to be living in the property.
This is because referencing gives you useful information to help you make an informed decision about whether you should take someone on as a tenant.
Since the Tenant Fee Ban, landlords pay for referencing.
We advise allowing for three to five working days for comprehensive referencing.
Unfortunately, we can't be more specific since the process relies on being able to contact the tenants, their employers and previous landlords, and getting the required information from those people.
We will send an initial report to you as soon as the tenant supply their data to us, followed by a comprehensive report once all referees / external checks have taken place.
As such, sometimes a comprehensive reference can take only a couple of hours, but if previous landlords or employers respond slowly and don't respond to our chases this can take longer.
Credit CheckCredit risk score from top UK credit agencies (eg. Equifax) - This is a statistical measure of the likelihood of the applicant paying the rent they owe. |
Fraud ChecksLinked Address, Identity & Fraud Information searches |
Outstanding Debt SearchCounty Court Judgments (CCJs), Decrees and other court information registered over the last six years in the applicant's name |
Right to Rent Check AdviceWe will help advise on the applicant's right to rent, and collect document scans. The landlord, as required by law, then just needs to double check the details in person. |
Affordability RatingWe will ascertain, based on the tenant's employment and earnings, whether they can afford the rent (or their portion of the rent) on your property. |
Rent Guarantee InsuranceRent Guarantee Insurance is offered on all successful comprehensive references. RGI covers you for any unpaid rent or legal expenses you might incur with this tenancy from just £249 (inc. IPT) for 12 months' cover. You also get access to a free legal helpline for the duration of your policy to help with any issues as they arise. |
£249 (inc. IPT) |
Previous Landlord Reference (if applicable)If the tenant has a current or previous landlord we will obtain their information and request details to confirm the length of the tenancy, monthly amount, and confirm the tenants paid on time, looked after the property and left on good terms. |
Income & Employment CheckIf the tenant is employed, we will contact their employer and obtain details of their employment. This includes their salary, occupation and length of employment. Where a tenant or guarantor is self-employed, we will use accountant details or bank transactions to determine eligibility and provide this summary to the landlord. |
Time Taken3 Working Days (On Average) |
Cost Per Tenant or Guarantor |
£15 |
Note: Credit score and other credit based data is only available to applicants who currently live in the UK. Rent Guarantee Insurance can only be offered on tenants who pass all comprehensive references and have a UK based income, or who have a UK based guarantor.